How do I change the cut off angle from my LD5-B or LD5-C for DP Trials?

This article covers variant B and C models of the LD5. To check LD5 variant see How do I tell which LD5 version/variant I have? For LD5-A variants see How do I remove satellites from my LD5-A for DP Trials?

Note: This FAQ is relevant to DP vessels / for FMEA trials only.

In order to remove satellites from a receiver, a connection must be established to the GNSS card.

Prior to undertaking this procedure please see FAQ Performing an LD5 Factory Reset

To connect the LD5 to a PC you will need to have VIO installed. The VIO program is part of the Verify-QC software suite. Verify-QC can be downloaded here.

Once successfully installed, VIO can be launched by going to Start > All Programs > Veripos > Verify v1.xx > Launch Vio.

To connect to the LD5 via IP in VIO go to Config > IO Join > New and set the IO Device as Client Socket, enter the IP of the LD5 ( by default) and the port to 9012.

Select View > IO to display the data connection you just established. This window will be blank, right-click inside and select Send Message. This will open the send message dialogue box. Enter test in the message field tick the CR and LF boxes and click Send. The response should be as below, confirming that communication to the card has been established:

The response should be as below, confirming that communication to the card has been established

The command needed to be sent is ‘ELEVATIONCUTOFF ALL X’ where x is the elevation in degrees that you want the cut-off to be set at.

The command needed to be sent is ‘ELEVATIONCUTOFF ALL X’ where x is the elevation in degrees that you want the cut-off to be set at

The above shows the command needed to set the elevation cut-off to 15 degrees.

Once the test has been carried out the command ‘elevationcutoff all 0’ will need to be sent.

Please use the same FAQ What settings should I note down and how do I reconfigure my LD5 settings? to reconfigure the settings.