How do I remove satellites from my LD5-A for DP Trials?

This article covers variant A models of the LD5. To check LD5 variant see How do I tell which LD5 version/variant I have? For LD5-B and LD5-C variants see How do I remove satellites from my LD5-B or LD5-C for DP Trials?

This guide assumes the user has a computer with Septentrio RX Tools installed. To download Septentrio RX Tools click here.

In order to remove satellites from a receiver, a connection must be established to the GNSS card. For that the LD5 operating mode will need to be switched to maintenance mode.

Please see FAQ Performing an LD5 Factory Reset prior to switching to maintenance mode. In maintenance mode there will not be any NMEAb and External RTCM options available for use.

The LD5 can be switched into maintenance mode by selecting Config > Config and selecting Maint in the operating mode and selecting Apply. The unit will reboot and be in maintenance mode.

Then either connect to the unit via serial or by IP connection.

To connect via serial configure a port as ‘GNSS Config’ by going to Config > I/O and selecting one of the three com ports and setting ‘GNSS Config’ as the data stream with default baud rate options. Or via an IP connection connecting to the LD5 unit to port 9012. In order to enable connection to an IP port in RxControl go to File > Preferences and tick the box labelled Show port number for TCP/IP connections shown below:

tick the box labelled Show port number for TCP/IP connections

Once connection has been established to the GNSS card open the sky plot window by selecting the button highlighted below:

open the sky plot window by selecting the button highlighted

Selecting this will open the following window which will show the satellites that are currently being tracked:

window showing the satellites that are currently being tracked

Next open the tracking windows by selecting Navigation > Advanced User Settings > Tracking… as shown below:

open the tracking windows by selecting Navigation > Advanced User Settings > Tracking…

This will open the following page which will allow you to deselect satellites that are currently being tracked:

page allowing you to deselect satellites that are currently being tracked

Uncheck the boxes of the satellites that you do not wish to track and select Apply.  This will remove them from use in the receiver. Note down the satellites which are unchecked as this will help to re-enable the satellites once testing is complete.

If you wish for the settings to persist through the GNSS card being powered down or rebooted you will need to save the settings before exiting RxControl. To do this go to File > Copy Configuration and select ‘Current’ for copy from and ‘Boot’ for copy to and click apply.

Once tests are complete return to the tracking menu and ensure that the satellites are re-enabled for tracking. Once again if you want settings to persist through reboots and power loss the settings will need to be saved as described above.

LD5 can be switched back to LD5 mode by selecting Config > Config and selecting LD5 in the operating mode and selecting Apply. The unit will reboot and be in LD5 mode.

Please use same FAQ What settings should I note down and how do I reconfigure my LD5 settings? to reconfigure the settings.