How do I manually enter an L-band satellite frequency on my LD5?

There are three possible user beams available for the LD5 system User1, User2 and User3.

The procedure for configuring and selecting user defined beams for the Veripos LD5 is as follows:

  1. From the LD5 Home screen select: L-Band > Config > Beam Selection:
  2. Select Add Beam then User1:

    Select Add Beam then User1

  3. Select User1 once it appears:

    Select User1 once it appears

  4. To edit the frequency, press the tick button to show the frequency as an editable field, then use the up, down, left, right arrows to select the numbers. Refer to the table below for the list of relevant beams and frequencies:

     list of relevant beams and frequencies

  5. Leave the transmission rate at the default of 1200 BPS.
  6. Select Apply, followed by Select to use:

    Select Apply, followed by Select to use

  7. Press the Home button and return to main screen to confirm that the system locks onto the beam.