How do I configure LD5 NMEA message output?

The LD5 system has two configurable and independent NMEA output data-streams.

The configuration method differs slightly, depending on the LD5 variant. On A Variants navigate to GNSS > Config. On B & C Variants navigate to GNSS > Config > NMEA.

In the subsequent menu select NMEAa or NMEAb.

To enable or disable NMEA messages, move the cursor to the appropriate box using the arrow keys. Use the left or right button to view additional messages on other pages and use the tick (✓) key to toggle messages On or Off as required.

Note that if more than four NMEA message types are enabled, a warning message will appear. This is to prompt the user to ensure that a suitable baud rate is selected if outputting a large number of messages via COM ports:

Note that if more than four NMEA message types are enabled, a warning message will appear

Finally, press Apply to accept the changes.

To additionally set either 5 or 8 digit GGA message Lat/ Lon precision navigate to GNSS > Config > NMEA Config.