How do I factory reset my LD5 Unit?

This FAQ will detail how to Factory Reset an LD5 unit and configure the unit with the correct settings. 

If required FAQ What settings should I note down and how do I reconfigure my LD5 settings? details which configuration settings should be noted, if after a factory reset reconfiguration to the current operating settings is required.

  • From the Home screen select Config > Admin Mode, when entering in to Admin mode the LD5 will require a Password to enter the menu.  To obtain the password contact the Veripos Helpdesk.
  • Once the Password has been entered correctly select Apply.
  • Select Factory Reset a warning message will then appear, select Reset then the LD5 will reboot and start to reinstate the factory settings
  • Once the LD5 boots to the home page the installed modules will begin initialise and once complete the LD5 will become responsive.
  • The final step is to reconfigure the LD5 settings.