How do you set up and log NMEA data from an LD5 unit?

The configuration method differs slightly, depending on the LD5 variant. On A Variants navigate to GNSS > Config. On B & C Variants navigate to GNSS > Config > NMEA.

In the subsequent menu select NMEAa or NMEAb:

In the subsequent menu select NMEAa or NMEAb

Select the NMEA messages you want to output by selecting the desired message and switching the status to On. Use left and right button to go to next page and Apply to accept the changes:

Use left and right button to go to next page and Apply to accept the changes

Select Home on front of LD5 unit then navigate to and select Config to choose output NMEA:

Select Home on front of LD5 unit then navigate to and select Config to choose output NMEA

Select IO and choose which com port you want to output (COM1, COM2 or COM3). On the rear of the LD5 you can see the comport mappings and make sure you select a free comport which is not in use.

On the rear of the LD5 you can see the comport mappings and make sure you select a free comport which is not in use

Once the comport is selected press the Tick button to expose the list of available data steams, select GNSS NMEAa or GNSS NMEAb depending which option you selected in the earlier step and select Next:

select GNSS NMEAa or GNSS NMEAb depending which option you selected in the earlier step and select Nex

Choose desired Protocol, Baud, Data Bits, Parity and Stop Bits as necessary.  Use the left and right buttons to switch between pages and Apply to accept the changes or select Back to cancel changes:

Use the left and right buttons to switch between pages and Apply to accept the changes or select Back to cancel changes

Use the left and right buttons to switch between pages and Apply to accept the changes or select Back to cancel changes

Connect LD5 and PC through serial cable and launch Hyper Terminal from start menu as shown below.

Note: In the below example Hyper Terminal is used to log the data, other terminal applications can be used:

Hyper Terminal is used to log the data, other terminal applications can be used

Once you have opened Hyper Terminal Enter file name and choose available comport in PC which you want connect from LD5:

Enter file name and choose available comport in PC which you want connect from LD5

Enter the Baud Rate, Data Bits, Parity and Stop Bits to match the LD5 Settings.

Once data is showing in the Hyper Terminal window, click Transfer and Capture Text to log data:

Once data is showing in the Hyper Terminal window, click Transfer and Capture Text to log data

Click the Browse button, choose the Path where you want to save NMEA data and enter a File name and click Save:

Click the Browse button, choose the Path where you want to save NMEA data and enter a File name and click Save

Click Start to commence logging.