How do I set up cross corrections on an LD5 unit?

The following information details the steps required to configure X-RTCM corrections between two LD5 units.

  1. Prepare two 9 way D-Type (male both ends) cross over cables with pins 2 and 3 crossing at either end:

    9 Pin Male                   9 Pin Male
    2 ------------------------------ 3
    3 ------------------------------ 2
    5 ------------------------------ 5

  2. the cables to serial port one on the rear of both LD5 units. Then connect the other cable end to serial port three on the rear of both LD5 units (if ports 1 or 3 are not free port 2 could be used).
  3. On the first LD5 unit enter the Config menu from the home screen and then select I/O from the next menu:

    On the first LD5 unit enter the Config menu from the home screen and then select I/O from the next menu
  4. Select COM1 from the next menu, then on the Data Stream tab select LBand RTCMa then Next:

    Select COM1 from the next menu, then on the Data Stream tab select LBand RTCMa then Next

  5. On the next page select Protocol: RS232, Baud 9600, Data Bits: 8, Parity: None and Stop Bits: 1. Then select Apply:

    On the next page select Protocol: RS232, Baud 9600, Data Bits: 8, Parity: None and Stop Bits: 1. Then select Apply

  6. Return to the Config I/O page, and select COM3, then on the Data Stream tab select Ext RTCM, then Next:

    Return to the Config I/O page, and select COM3, then on the Data Stream tab select Ext RTCM, then Next

  7. On the next page select Protocol: RS232, Baud 9600, Data Bits: 8, Parity: None and Stop Bits: 1. Then select Apply:

    On the next page select Protocol: RS232, Baud 9600, Data Bits: 8, Parity: None and Stop Bits: 1. Then select Apply

  8. Once the unit has updated it will return to the Config I/O page, but now there will be an EXT RTCM tab available.
  9. Select the EXT RTCM tab and on the next page select RTCM Source: Veripos, then Apply:

    Select the EXT RTCM tab and on the next page select RTCM Source: Veripos, then Apply

  10. Once the unit has updated it will return to the Config I/O page. Press the Home button as the configuration on this unit is complete.
  11. On the second LD5 unit repeat steps 1-8.
  12. Once these steps are complete press the Home button. The configuration is now complete, and X-RTCM should be available on both LD5 units. This can be tested by disabling the L-band corrections on the first LD5 unit, and ensuring that the Latency on the Orion display for this unit does not change. The L-band lock indicator on the Orion display should be red at this time. Once satisfied, re-enable the L-band corrections for this unit, and repeat the procedure on the second LD5 unit.