How do I apply an LD900 Authorisation Code?

Do not attempt to perform the Authorisation code upgrade when the LD900 system is working in an operational scenario.

Specific receiver LD900 model options can be disabled and enabled based on a secure software authorisation system. The possible upgrades are:

  • GNSS Heading (Align®)
  • INS (SPAN®)
  • LD900L (L-band only) to an LD900

LD900 systems purchased without heading still have GNSS heading capability. The user can email the serial number of the LD900 system and purchase a GNSS heading upgrade. VERIPOS will then supply the authorisation code to enable the GNSS heading function. The following is an example authorisation code:


The red text is a secure code specific to the quoted  LD900 serial number, and the blue text is the upgraded model details.

To apply the Authorisation code, connect a PC to the LD900 LAN2 (directly or via a network). To apply the Authorisation code, connect a PC to the LD900 LAN2 (directly or via a network), ensuring the PC ethernet adapter is on the same subnet as the LD900 LAN2 adapter (see How do I configure my PC to connect to an LD900? for guidance). Once connected, a login prompt will appear:


LD900 LAN2 Login

Enter the LD900 seven-digit serial number and press the Log In button.

The following screen will appear:

LD900 WebUI Login

Carefully cut and paste the supplied authorisation code into the Apply New Auth Code field within the GNSS1 section - Do not apply within the GNSS2 or LBAND sections. 


LD900 Apply New Auth Code

Press the Apply button, and the system will display the following prompt:

Apply LD900 Auth Code prompt 

Select Yes and allow the LD900 system time to restart. Once the system has restarted, the new functionality (for example GNSS Heading) can now be configured, and enabled for use.