How do I tell which model of LD900 I have?

The product label on top of the LD900 will indicate the model, with the system available in three models:

LD900L (L-band)
LD900 (L-band & GNSS)
LD900M (L-band, GNSS & MF)

Note: Only the LD900 and LD900M are NTRIP capable.

If the product label is missing, the model can be determined by checking the display. The Status page of LD900L models will feature beam tracking information only:

The Status page of LD900L models will feature beam tracking information only

LD900L Status Page

If Corrections can be seen on the Status page, the unit will be either a LD900 or LD900M model. If MF is not shown under Corrections, the system will be a LD900 model. If MF is shown under corrections the unit will be a LD900M model:

If MF is shown under corrections the unit will be a LD900M model

LD900M Status Page, displaying MF