How do I change the PPP calculation of my LD900?

To change the PPP calculation navigate to Configuration > Positioning. Changing PPP Mode within the Positioning menu page will change the type of PPP solution computed by the LD900.

PPP Mode can be set to Apex (default), Ultra or Auto by clicking on Edit and using the front panel arrow keys to select, ApexUltra or Auto as required, followed by tick.

Using the front panel arrow keys to select Apex or Ultra as required, followed by tick

Then use the arrow keys and tick to select Apply, right to select Yes and tick to apply the change. Changing the PPP Mode will re-initialise the PPP calculation, which will take time to settle before a PPP solution output becomes available.

Ensure the LD900 has the appropriate service activation for the selected PPP mode. The Auto mode will require Apex and Ultra services to be activated.

The Apex mode applies to all Apex services, including Apex Pro.