How do I change my LD900 IP address?

The LD900 is preconfigured with a static IP address of for LAN1 and for LAN2. Either IP address can be changed to a different static IP address or switched to use DHCP.

IP Addresses, Subnet Masks and Gateways on both the LD900 and connecting devices need to be configured within an appropriate range, between and If necessary, see FAQ How do I configure my PC to connect to an LD900?

Two LAN ports are provided on the LD900 with the same configuration options on each however, both IP addresses should not be set to the same when on static. LAN1 is available for ICOM data outputs, with LAN2 serving as a direct feed to Quantum software. To make LD900 IP address changes navigate to Receiver > Network and select Edit next to either LAN1 or LAN2:

Navigate to Receiver > Network and select Edit next to either LAN1 or LAN2

To configure DHCP click on Edit and using the arrow keys and tick select On or Off as required, followed by tick. Then use the arrow keys and tick to select Apply, right to select Yes and tick to apply the change.

Use the arrow keys and tick to select Apply, right to select Yes and tick to apply the change

When selecting DHCP: On, the IP Address, Subnet Mask and Gateway will auto-populate after a short period and no further configuration will be required.

If selecting DHCP: Off the LAN port will set to a static IP Address, Subnet Mask and Gateway will require configuring by clicking on the corresponding Edit for each and using the arrow buttons and tick to set. Note when DHCP has been set to Off and changes have been made an additional field Speed will be shown on the network page, allowing the speed to be set to either 10Mbps or 100Mbps (default).