How do I contact the Veripos Helpdesk if I have a problem?

If you are experiencing any problems and need to contact Veripos then please contact the manned 24/7 Helpdesk via the following:

Tel: +44 1224 965900

Contact Support 

If contacting the Helpdesk with an issue (by phone or email) please ensure that you have the following information as it will assist in resolving the problem:

  • Your name
  • Contact telephone number
  • Email address
  • Vessel name (correct identification is important, as Veripos may also have installation drawings)
  • Company name
  • Veripos hardware type and ID
  • Veripos software type and version
  • Operating region of vessel
  • Details on the problem being experienced and the background (e.g. is this a new installation which has not been commissioned?; did problem suddenly arise?; has the problem occurred since moving to the a region?)

You can also raise a support ticket online by simply contacting support with the above information.