How can I fault find Veripos NTRIP?

The IOLAN unit comes pre-configured, as a result the fault finding procedures below assumeS that the IOLAN has been correctly configured.

If the NTRIP service on-board is not working contact the Veripos Helpdesk to ensure the system is operational.

If the service is operational and the IOLAN is still unable to connect to the NTRIP server, carry out the following operations on a PC connected to the same network as the IOLAN:

  1. Using CMD ping the the following address using the following command:

    Command Prompt (CMD) can be accessed through select Start > All Programs > Accessories > Command Prompt.

    If a reply is received then proceed to the next step, if no reply is received then there is a problem connecting to external I.P.’s (internet) from the network. This could be due to a connection error or a firewall issue and will need to be investigated by the vessels I.T. department.
  2. Browse to the following address 

    If successful the webpage should similar to below. If not this indicates an issue with accessing port 2101 and will need to be investigated by the vessels I.T. department:

Screenshot of NTRIP web page