How do I change my LD8 IP address?

To establish initial TCP/IP connectivity see How do I configure my PC to connect to a LD8? once the TCPIP connectivity is established browse to the LD8 Web User Interface (WebUI) using the latest version of Microsoft Edge, Mozilla Firefox or Google Chrome.

Within the WebUI, navigate to Settings > Networking then within the Ethernet section the DHCP option can be set to on or off. If DHCP is set to off the the IP address , subnet mask and gateway can be configured.  One configured click Apply to confirm and save changes. 

Click Apply to confirm and save changes

The LD8 WebUI also provides a terminal which provides the ability to send commands and receive information from the unit. The terminal can be accessed by navigating to Tools > Terminal 

The terminal can be accessed by navigating to Tools > Terminal

The command to change the IP address is structured in the following format:-

IPCONFIG [interface_name] [address_mode] [IP_address] [netmask] [gateway]

For example to set an IP address of netmask of and gateway of enter the following:


Terminal applications can also be used to send the above command via the LD8 COM port or  TCPIP socket. The example below shows the command issued ( blue font) with the acknowledgement from the LD8 (red font) confirming the change of IP address:

The command issued ( blue font) with the acknowledgement from the LD8 (red font) confirming the change of IP address

Once the IP configuration has been set, save the changed by entering the command SAVEETHERNETDATA.