How do I change the PPP Mode of the LD8?

If available, Veripos recommend using Quantum for all LD8 configuration. This article will explain how to change the LD8 PPP mode using Quantum or the web user interface (WebUI).

Users should ensure that the configured PPP mode matches the service activated by the Helpdesk for the LD8. Also, note changing the PPP Mode will restart the PPP computation. Upon change, the PPP solution will require time to re-converge, and Standard or Standard2 positioning computation will occur until the PPP solution is available. 

Changing PPP Mode using Quantum

In the Quantum main screen, select SETTINGS. Navigate to System Configuration > Receiver Management > Edit:Navigate to System Configuration > Receiver Management > Edit

Within the Receiver Management - Edit page, select the Position tab, and the PPP - Mode submenu will be displayed:Within the Receiver Management - Edit page select the Position tab,  the PPP - Mode submenu will be displayed

Select the PPP Mode and then click on Apply, found at the bottom right-hand side of the page.

The Apex mode applies to all Apex services, including Apex Pro.

Changing PPP Mode using the WebUI

Access the LD8 WebUI using the latest version of Edge, Chrome or Firefox. Browse to the IP address of the LD8. If the IP address is unknown, refer to the guide How do I find my LD8 IP address?

The WebUI terminal can be accessed by navigating to Tools > Terminal. To verify the configured PPP mode enter the command:


The output will be similar to the below example, with the active PPP mode highlighted in red:

< PPPSOURCE WCOM1_30 0 64.5 UNKNOWN 0 2.310 02002020 ae45 14970

To change the PPP mode from APEX to ULTRA, enter the following command:


Alternatively, to change the PPP mode from ULTRA to APEX, enter the following:


To retain changes, enter SAVECONFIG.