How do I apply a new license in Quantum?

The use of Quantum requires an active software license. Licenses can either be purchased (no expiry) or rented and are available from Veripos Support

The following license modes are currently available:

DP - Enables Quantum optimised for DP operations
Survey - Enables Quantum optimised for Survey operations.

The following license features are currently available:

Heading - Enables the use of heading functionality
Tides - Enables the use of tides functionality
INS - Enables the use of tides functionality

To verify the type of license presently in use, or to activate a new license, click on the icon located at the top left-hand corner of the main Quantum screen:

Main Quantum screen

Followed by the Settings cog:

Settings cog highlighted

Clicking on the left-hand Authorisations menu option followed by Quantum will display the presently Purchased or Rented licenses:

Authorisations highlighted

Rented licenses have an expiry date and will need to be renewed. If a license is rented, the rental expiry date of the Quantum software license will be shown below the list of enabled features:

Enabled features screen

It is possible to have a combination of purchased and rented licenses. For example, the main Quantum license (DP or Survey) may be purchased with an additional feature such as Heading rented. In this scenario, a license expired notification will appear periodically. If the expired feature is required, a new license can be obtained by contacting the Veripos Helpdesk. If a feature is no longer required, the expired feature can be cleared by clicking Acknowledge. This will prevent the notification from appearing and it will remove the expired feature from the Software Licenses section.

To add a license click Apply New License, found at the bottom right-hand corner of the Authorisations page. A new license can then be entered:

Apply new license screen

Note: When requesting a new or revised software license, it is important to ensure that the appropriate features are requested.