How do you export and import Quantum Configurations?

To export or import Quantum software configurations, click on the icon located at the top left-hand corner of the main Quantum screen:

Quantum main screen

Followed by the Settings cog:

Settings cog highlighted

Configuration Export

To export a configuration, click on the left-hand System Configuration option followed by Export:

System configuration to export path

Choose a location to save the configuration file (e.g. PC hard drive or external USB storage), then select Export Configuration to save:

Select export configuration location

Configuration Import

To import a configuration, click on the left-hand System Configuration option followed by Import Configuration:

Select import configuration location
Locate the Quantum configuration file which is to be restored then click Import Configuration:

Select configuration for import

The configuration will then be displayed on the System Configuration page. To activate the imported configuration, click Start:

Start imported Quantum configuration