How do I create a coverage chart using VeriChart?

The Veripos VeriChart software is used to plot a local chart to assist the Veripos user in identifying the best reference stations and satellite beam(s) for use at his work site.

The software is available here.

The network of Veripos reference stations is continually reviewed and upgraded.  Veripos recommend that users download and install the latest version of the Veripos Station List file before using the program for the first time. They should then check for updates at regular intervals.

The date of the last update is indicated by its filename which has the format: VeriposStations_DDMMYY.txt

The procedure for downloading and installing this software is described in a separate here.

Note: It is necessary to 'Generate contours' (explained in FAQ) whenever a new station list is installed. 

Upon running the VeriChart program, the user interface will look like the screen below:

Verichart initial user interface

From the main menu, select Tools > Set user paths.

The following window will appear:

User path configuration window

In the Station configuration file, browse to the current Veripos Station List at location:

C:\Program Files\VeriChart\Site\VeriposStations_DDMMYY.txt. Click Accept to confirm.

The program will return to the main configuration page as shown below. The data entry fields are annotated in this illustration. The following notes describe the purpose of each entry:

Main configuration window


  • Report Tile: Enter a report title such as the Project Name or Field Name.
    Note: Avoid using special characters in the title.  Some characters, such as "&" will prevent a report file from being created.
  • Ref. Date: Enter the date when the chart is generated. This date will appear on the generated Chart

Projection Details

  • Projection: Set this to Mercator
  • Scale: Set this to 30,000,000 to create a regional map. Selecting a higher value will result in a larger coverage area.
  • Centre: Enter the Latitude and Longitude ( degrees: ddd.dddd) to identify the centre of the map. Note: Use negative values for latitudes S and longitudes W.

Chart Options

  • Grid Intervals: Defines the grid interval which the user wishes to plot.
  • Contours: Up to four DGPS range contours may be added to the coverage chart by entering range values (Km) into the four "Contours" boxes. Entering a value of zero disables display of that contour. This can be set as the default.
  • Station Labels: Stations may be identified by Name or ID number or may be left unlabelled (None).
  • Label Border: Defines whether the station labels are enclosed within a border.
    Inmarsat Footprints:  This plots the coverage footprints of the satellite beams.

Station Options

  • The user can chose which stations to display on the chart.
    The options are: Inmarsat/Spotbeam, HF and Planned stations. Any combination may be selected.
  • List Order:  The displayed station list may be sorted by station ID, station name or range.


  • Display Worksite:   Tick this box to enable the entry of a worksite.
    Note: Reference station ranges are computed relative to the worksite, not the map centre (if different). If no worksite is defined, no ranges will be displayed in the station list.
  • Location:  Enter the Latitude and Longitude of the worksite (degrees: ddd.dddd)
    Note: Use negative values for latitudes S and longitudes W.
  • Label Alignment:  Selects the positioning of the label. This improves the clarity on some charts.
  • Range Ring:  Displays a ring of constant range around the worksite
  • Spotlight:  Improves clarity of the Range Ring


  • Format:  Selects the file format for saving the chart
  • Resolution:  Selects the resolution of the chart (dpi)
  • Orientation:  Selects whether the chart is displayed in portrait or landscape mode.

Once the above configuration is complete, select Tools > Generate Report from the main menu, or click the Generate Report shortcut button to plot the chart:

Generate report button

A typical coverage chart displays a list of Veripos stations in the vicinity and shows their ranges from the worksite. It also shows the satellite beams which are available in the area are indicates their elevation and azimuth:

DGPS Coverage Chart